We have discussed about UGameSetting before, in this post, we are introducing to UGameSettingCollection and UGameSettingRegistry, which is used as a collection of UGameSetting. The former, UGameSettingCollection is much more flexible than UGameSettingRegistry, UGameSettingCollection is used to represent a collection of GameSettings, but do not limit how to use the collection, we will give a detailed introduction soon. The latter one, UGameSettingRegistry is used for holding collections in gameplay, it also handled the game setting changing events and trigger them, UGameSettingRegistry is hold by ULocalPlayer.


1. UGameSettingCollection


A GameSettingCollection can manifest in various forms, for example, the following is a UGameSettingCollection:

Collection "Display"
Collection “Display”

The source code of creating this collection is as followed:

// Display
		UGameSettingCollection* Display = NewObject<UGameSettingCollection>();
		Display->SetDisplayName(LOCTEXT("DisplayCollection_Name", "Display"));

			UGameSettingValueDiscreteDynamic_Enum* Setting = NewObject<UGameSettingValueDiscreteDynamic_Enum>();
			Setting->SetDisplayName(LOCTEXT("WindowMode_Name", "Window Mode"));
			Setting->SetDescriptionRichText(LOCTEXT("WindowMode_Description", "In Windowed mode you can interact with other windows more easily, and drag the edges of the window to set the size. In Windowed Fullscreen mode you can easily switch between applications. In Fullscreen mode you cannot interact with other windows as easily, but the game will run slightly faster."));

			Setting->AddEnumOption(EWindowMode::Fullscreen, LOCTEXT("WindowModeFullscreen", "Fullscreen"));
			Setting->AddEnumOption(EWindowMode::WindowedFullscreen, LOCTEXT("WindowModeWindowedFullscreen", "Windowed Fullscreen"));
			Setting->AddEnumOption(EWindowMode::Windowed, LOCTEXT("WindowModeWindowed", "Windowed"));

			Setting->AddEditCondition(FWhenPlatformHasTrait::KillIfMissing(TAG_Platform_Trait_SupportsWindowedMode, TEXT("Platform does not support window mode")));

			WindowModeSetting = Setting;



A GameSettingCollection can mantain sub GameSettingCollection, which means, it can have several child GameSettingCollection, for example, the whole “Video” tab can be considered as a GameSettingCollection, it has several child collection like Display, Graphics, Graphics Quality and so on:

Collection “Video” has several child collection, such as “Display” and so on

Their relationship in source code is as followed, you can find how attach collection “Display” to collection “Video”:

UGameSettingCollection* Screen = NewObject<UGameSettingCollection>();
	Screen->SetDisplayName(LOCTEXT("VideoCollection_Name", "Video"));

	UGameSettingValueDiscreteDynamic_Enum* WindowModeSetting = nullptr;
	UGameSetting* MobileFPSType = nullptr;

	// Display
		UGameSettingCollection* Display = NewObject<UGameSettingCollection>();
		Display->SetDisplayName(LOCTEXT("DisplayCollection_Name", "Display"));


After discussing about the usage of UGameSettingCollection, it is time to dive deeper, let’s take a look at the class declaration:

// UGameSettingCollection

class GAMESETTINGS_API UGameSettingCollection : public UGameSetting


	virtual TArray<UGameSetting*> GetChildSettings() override { return Settings; }
	TArray<UGameSettingCollection*> GetChildCollections() const;

	void AddSetting(UGameSetting* Setting);
	virtual void GetSettingsForFilter(const FGameSettingFilterState& FilterState, TArray<UGameSetting*>& InOutSettings) const;

	virtual bool IsSelectable() const { return false; }

	/** The settings owned by this collection. */
	TArray<TObjectPtr<UGameSetting>> Settings;

It is derived from UGameSetting, which means that it has all features of UGameSetting. First of all, it overwrites the method GetChildSettings, make it returns an array called “Settings” which contains all settings collected by it. And it is marked as not selectable by override the method “IsSelectable”. This treatment is natural, but sometimes, you may add a button to your setting panel, after players clicking it, players will be navigate to a next level menu, which is consider as a UGameSettingCollectionPage, this one is selectable, which we be introduce soon

It also overrides the mthod “GetSettingsForFilter”, which uses a FGameSettingFilterState as a prameter and returns all settings meet the requirements.

We mentioned UGameSettingCollectionPage before, it is a class inherits from UGameSettingColleciton:

// UGameSettingCollectionPage

class GAMESETTINGS_API UGameSettingCollectionPage : public UGameSettingCollection


	DECLARE_EVENT_OneParam(UGameSettingCollectionPage, FOnExecuteNavigation, UGameSetting* /*Setting*/);
	FOnExecuteNavigation OnExecuteNavigationEvent;


	FText GetNavigationText() const { return NavigationText; }
	void SetNavigationText(FText Value) { NavigationText = Value; }
	void SetNavigationText(const FString& Value) { SetNavigationText(FText::FromString(Value)); }
	virtual void OnInitialized() override;
	virtual void GetSettingsForFilter(const FGameSettingFilterState& FilterState, TArray<UGameSetting*>& InOutSettings) const override;
	virtual bool IsSelectable() const override { return true; }

	/**  */
	void ExecuteNavigation();

	FText NavigationText;

When using this class, it manifests like the following one:

After clicking it, the players will be navigate to a submenu:

The submenu navigated to after clicking the GameSettingCollectionPage

The one explains that why UGameSettingCollection should inherit from UGameSetting, normally, if we just need to collect some GameSettings and display a title on the panel, we do not need to inherit from UGameSetting, it is better to use a UGameSetting or even a common C++ Class, like FGameSettingCollection or something else, but if we would like to display a submenu entry on the setting panel, this is a better idea, which is easy and natural.


2. UGameSettingEntry


UGameSettingEntry used for manage the collection of GameSettings, it also has many methods about data-changing, like handling the changing of the setttings, the applying of the settings and so on, the source code is as followed:

// UGameSettingRegistry

class ULocalPlayer;
struct FGameSettingFilterState;

enum class EGameSettingChangeReason : uint8;

UCLASS(Abstract, BlueprintType)
class GAMESETTINGS_API UGameSettingRegistry : public UObject

	DECLARE_EVENT_TwoParams(UGameSettingRegistry, FOnSettingChanged, UGameSetting*, EGameSettingChangeReason);
	DECLARE_EVENT_OneParam(UGameSettingRegistry, FOnSettingEditConditionChanged, UGameSetting*);

	FOnSettingChanged OnSettingChangedEvent;
	FOnSettingEditConditionChanged OnSettingEditConditionChangedEvent;

	DECLARE_EVENT_TwoParams(UGameSettingRegistry, FOnSettingNamedActionEvent, UGameSetting* /*Setting*/, FGameplayTag /*GameSettings_Action_Tag*/);
	FOnSettingNamedActionEvent OnSettingNamedActionEvent;

	/** Navigate to the child settings of the provided setting. */
	DECLARE_EVENT_OneParam(UGameSettingRegistry, FOnExecuteNavigation, UGameSetting* /*Setting*/);
	FOnExecuteNavigation OnExecuteNavigationEvent;


	void Initialize(ULocalPlayer* InLocalPlayer);

	virtual void Regenerate();

	virtual bool IsFinishedInitializing() const;

	virtual void SaveChanges();
	void GetSettingsForFilter(const FGameSettingFilterState& FilterState, TArray<UGameSetting*>& InOutSettings);

	UGameSetting* FindSettingByDevName(const FName& SettingDevName);

	template<typename T = UGameSetting>
	T* FindSettingByDevNameChecked(const FName& SettingDevName)
		T* Setting = Cast<T>(FindSettingByDevName(SettingDevName));
		return Setting;

	virtual void OnInitialize(ULocalPlayer* InLocalPlayer) PURE_VIRTUAL(, )

	virtual void OnSettingApplied(UGameSetting* Setting) { }
	void RegisterSetting(UGameSetting* InSetting);
	void RegisterInnerSettings(UGameSetting* InSetting);

	// Internal event handlers.
	void HandleSettingChanged(UGameSetting* Setting, EGameSettingChangeReason Reason);
	void HandleSettingApplied(UGameSetting* Setting);
	void HandleSettingEditConditionsChanged(UGameSetting* Setting);
	void HandleSettingNamedAction(UGameSetting* Setting, FGameplayTag GameSettings_Action_Tag);
	void HandleSettingNavigation(UGameSetting* Setting);

	TArray<TObjectPtr<UGameSetting>> TopLevelSettings;

	TArray<TObjectPtr<UGameSetting>> RegisteredSettings;

	TObjectPtr<ULocalPlayer> OwningLocalPlayer;

UGameSettingRegistry is an abstract, it could not be used in gameplay directly, and it is also a blueprint type, which means it can be used as a parameter or variable in blueprint, but it could not be inherited by a blueprint class for there is no Blueprintable specifier.

Most of the methods are implemented by its sub classes, we focus on how it register a setting here, it requires for 2 methods, ReigsterSetting() and RegisterInnerSettings():

void UGameSettingRegistry::RegisterSetting(UGameSetting* InSetting)
	if (InSetting)

void UGameSettingRegistry::RegisterInnerSettings(UGameSetting* InSetting)
	InSetting->OnSettingChangedEvent.AddUObject(this, &ThisClass::HandleSettingChanged);
	InSetting->OnSettingAppliedEvent.AddUObject(this, &ThisClass::HandleSettingApplied);
	InSetting->OnSettingEditConditionChangedEvent.AddUObject(this, &ThisClass::HandleSettingEditConditionsChanged);

	// Not a fan of this, but it makes sense to aggregate action events for simplicity.
	if (UGameSettingAction* ActionSetting = Cast<UGameSettingAction>(InSetting))
		ActionSetting->OnExecuteNamedActionEvent.AddUObject(this, &ThisClass::HandleSettingNamedAction);
	// Not a fan of this, but it makes sense to aggregate navigation events for simplicity.
	else if (UGameSettingCollectionPage* NewPageCollection = Cast<UGameSettingCollectionPage>(InSetting))
		NewPageCollection->OnExecuteNavigationEvent.AddUObject(this, &ThisClass::HandleSettingNavigation);

	ensureAlwaysMsgf(!RegisteredSettings.Contains(InSetting), TEXT("This setting has already been registered!"));
	ensureAlwaysMsgf(nullptr == RegisteredSettings.FindByPredicate([&InSetting](UGameSetting* ExistingSetting) { return InSetting->GetDevName() == ExistingSetting->GetDevName(); }), TEXT("A setting with this DevName has already been registered!  DevNames must be unique within a registry."));


	for (UGameSetting* ChildSetting : InSetting->GetChildSettings())

As for handling changes, it just broadcast the delegates here:

void UGameSettingRegistry::HandleSettingApplied(UGameSetting* Setting)

void UGameSettingRegistry::HandleSettingChanged(UGameSetting* Setting, EGameSettingChangeReason Reason)
	OnSettingChangedEvent.Broadcast(Setting, Reason);

void UGameSettingRegistry::HandleSettingEditConditionsChanged(UGameSetting* Setting)

void UGameSettingRegistry::HandleSettingNamedAction(UGameSetting* Setting, FGameplayTag GameSettings_Action_Tag)
	OnSettingNamedActionEvent.Broadcast(Setting, GameSettings_Action_Tag);

void UGameSettingRegistry::HandleSettingNavigation(UGameSetting* Setting)

OnSettingApplied() has no implementation here, so, to understand the usage of UGameSettingRegistry, we need to take ULyraGameSettingRegistry as an example. There are 5 GameSettingsCollection in ULyraGameSettingRegistry: Video, Audio, Gameplay, Mouse&Keyboard and Gamepad, which corresponding the panel tabs in GameSetting UI:

Coresponding the GameSettingCollection in GameSettingEntry

ULyraGameSettingRegistry is implmented as:

class ULyraGameSettingRegistry : public UGameSettingRegistry


	static ULyraGameSettingRegistry* Get(ULyraLocalPlayer* InLocalPlayer);
	virtual void SaveChanges() override;

	virtual void OnInitialize(ULocalPlayer* InLocalPlayer) override;
	virtual bool IsFinishedInitializing() const override;

	UGameSettingCollection* InitializeVideoSettings(ULyraLocalPlayer* InLocalPlayer);
	void InitializeVideoSettings_FrameRates(UGameSettingCollection* Screen, ULyraLocalPlayer* InLocalPlayer);
	void AddPerformanceStatPage(UGameSettingCollection* Screen, ULyraLocalPlayer* InLocalPlayer);

	UGameSettingCollection* InitializeAudioSettings(ULyraLocalPlayer* InLocalPlayer);
	UGameSettingCollection* InitializeGameplaySettings(ULyraLocalPlayer* InLocalPlayer);

	UGameSettingCollection* InitializeMouseAndKeyboardSettings(ULyraLocalPlayer* InLocalPlayer);
	UGameSettingCollection* InitializeGamepadSettings(ULyraLocalPlayer* InLocalPlayer);

	TObjectPtr<UGameSettingCollection> VideoSettings;

	TObjectPtr<UGameSettingCollection> AudioSettings;

	TObjectPtr<UGameSettingCollection> GameplaySettings;

	TObjectPtr<UGameSettingCollection> MouseAndKeyboardSettings;

	TObjectPtr<UGameSettingCollection> GamepadSettings;

The six init methods, InitializeAudioSettings, InitializeGameplaySettings…. is where you create your setting exactly, the source code of creating a UGameSettingCollection and UGameSetting which is mentioned before are here:

UGameSettingCollection* ULyraGameSettingRegistry::InitializeVideoSettings(ULyraLocalPlayer* InLocalPlayer)
	UGameSettingCollection* Screen = NewObject<UGameSettingCollection>();
	Screen->SetDisplayName(LOCTEXT("VideoCollection_Name", "Video"));

	UGameSettingValueDiscreteDynamic_Enum* WindowModeSetting = nullptr;
	UGameSetting* MobileFPSType = nullptr;

	// Display
		UGameSettingCollection* Display = NewObject<UGameSettingCollection>();
		Display->SetDisplayName(LOCTEXT("DisplayCollection_Name", "Display"));

			UGameSettingValueDiscreteDynamic_Enum* Setting = NewObject<UGameSettingValueDiscreteDynamic_Enum>();
			Setting->SetDisplayName(LOCTEXT("WindowMode_Name", "Window Mode"));
			Setting->SetDescriptionRichText(LOCTEXT("WindowMode_Description", "In Windowed mode you can interact with other windows more easily, and drag the edges of the window to set the size. In Windowed Fullscreen mode you can easily switch between applications. In Fullscreen mode you cannot interact with other windows as easily, but the game will run slightly faster."));

			Setting->AddEnumOption(EWindowMode::Fullscreen, LOCTEXT("WindowModeFullscreen", "Fullscreen"));
			Setting->AddEnumOption(EWindowMode::WindowedFullscreen, LOCTEXT("WindowModeWindowedFullscreen", "Windowed Fullscreen"));
			Setting->AddEnumOption(EWindowMode::Windowed, LOCTEXT("WindowModeWindowed", "Windowed"));

			Setting->AddEditCondition(FWhenPlatformHasTrait::KillIfMissing(TAG_Platform_Trait_SupportsWindowedMode, TEXT("Platform does not support window mode")));

			WindowModeSetting = Setting;



What are worth to mentioning here are OnInitialize method and Get method:

void ULyraGameSettingRegistry::OnInitialize(ULocalPlayer* InLocalPlayer)
	ULyraLocalPlayer* LyraLocalPlayer = Cast<ULyraLocalPlayer>(InLocalPlayer);

	VideoSettings = InitializeVideoSettings(LyraLocalPlayer);
	InitializeVideoSettings_FrameRates(VideoSettings, LyraLocalPlayer);

	AudioSettings = InitializeAudioSettings(LyraLocalPlayer);

	GameplaySettings = InitializeGameplaySettings(LyraLocalPlayer);

	MouseAndKeyboardSettings = InitializeMouseAndKeyboardSettings(LyraLocalPlayer);

	GamepadSettings = InitializeGamepadSettings(LyraLocalPlayer);

As for the Get() method, note that it is not a singleton even through it has a Get() method looks like what we always use for a singleton class, even through it used like a singleton:

ULyraGameSettingRegistry* ULyraGameSettingRegistry::Get(ULyraLocalPlayer* InLocalPlayer)
	ULyraGameSettingRegistry* Registry = FindObject<ULyraGameSettingRegistry>(InLocalPlayer, TEXT("LyraGameSettingRegistry"), true);
	if (Registry == nullptr)
		Registry = NewObject<ULyraGameSettingRegistry>(InLocalPlayer, TEXT("LyraGameSettingRegistry"));

	return Registry;


3. FGameSettingRegistryChange


When player changing the game settings, sometimes they would not like to save the changes, they just want to undo their changes, FGameSettingRegistryChange provides this feature for us.

Note that not all settings need players press “Apply” to make their change activate, some of them, like UGameSettingDiscreteDynamic_Bool, activating immediately when player change the setting, but others, like UGameSettingDiscrete_Language, activate until players press “Apply”.

  • The reason why UGameSettingDiscreteDynamic_Bool activate after the changing of its value is that it uses a FGameSettingDataSrouceDynamic object to manage the data interval, for these settings, it is a good idea to let player check the influence immediately, like brightness and color blind mode, Players can adjust the values while monitoring the real-time results of their modifications
  • The reason why UGameSettingDiscrete_Language activate after clicking “Apply” is that it changes the interval value it managed in method OnApply(), this method was not been overrided in UGameSettingDiscreteDynamic but does been override here.

To provide these features, FGameSettingRegistryChange need to record the changes modified by players, let’s dive into the source code of FGameSettingRegistryChange:

class GAMESETTINGS_API FGameSettingRegistryChangeTracker : public FNoncopyable

	void WatchRegistry(UGameSettingRegistry* InRegistry);
	void StopWatchingRegistry();

	void ApplyChanges();

	void RestoreToInitial();

	void ClearDirtyState();

	bool IsRestoringSettings() const { return bRestoringSettings; }
	bool HaveSettingsBeenChanged() const { return bSettingsChanged; }

	void HandleSettingChanged(UGameSetting* Setting, EGameSettingChangeReason Reason);

	bool bSettingsChanged = false;
	bool bRestoringSettings = false;

	TWeakObjectPtr<UGameSettingRegistry> Registry;
	TMap<FObjectKey, TWeakObjectPtr<UGameSetting>> DirtySettings;

Use WatchRegistry(UGameSettingRegistry*) to manage a registry, it will stop watching the old registry and start watching a new one:

void FGameSettingRegistryChangeTracker::WatchRegistry(UGameSettingRegistry* InRegistry)

	if (Registry.Get() != InRegistry)
		Registry = InRegistry;
		InRegistry->OnSettingChangedEvent.AddRaw(this, &FGameSettingRegistryChangeTracker::HandleSettingChanged);

void FGameSettingRegistryChangeTracker::StopWatchingRegistry()
	if (UGameSettingRegistry* StrongRegistry = Registry.Get())

void FGameSettingRegistryChangeTracker::ClearDirtyState()
	if (bRestoringSettings)

	bSettingsChanged = false;

Now, when players changing a value of a setting, it will call HandleSettingChange for it bind this function to OnSettingChangedEvent of the registry.

void FGameSettingRegistryChangeTracker::HandleSettingChanged(UGameSetting* Setting, EGameSettingChangeReason Reason)
	if (bRestoringSettings)

	bSettingsChanged = true;
	DirtySettings.Add(FObjectKey(Setting), Setting);

When players press “Apply”, it will call method ApplyChagnes, it clears the dirty settings and apply the changes, and then store the changes into initial:

void FGameSettingRegistryChangeTracker::ApplyChanges()
	for (auto Entry : DirtySettings)
		if (UGameSettingValue* SettingValue = Cast<UGameSettingValue>(Entry.Value))


If players undo their changes, it will call ResetToInitial():

void FGameSettingRegistryChangeTracker::RestoreToInitial()
	if (bRestoringSettings)

		TGuardValue<bool> LocalGuard(bRestoringSettings, true);
		for (auto Entry : DirtySettings)
			if (UGameSettingValue* SettingValue = Cast<UGameSettingValue>(Entry.Value))


By this method, GameSetting provides several generally-used features to developers to save their time when developping a complex setting menu.

By JiahaoLi

Hypergryph - Game Programmer 2023 - Now Shandong University - Bachelor 2019-2023

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